About me

First, the boring stuff. I did a postgrad in theology followed by a masters. These were a joy to me. My first degree is in physics. I have a dog called Brian, a wife and two daughters. I have been around local churches for 40 years. I play guitar in a punk band. I have written a book Climbing the Ancient Hills – which is a mix of theology and autobigraphy.

But why this blog?

Teaching is a part of me

Having spent years, and much anx, searching for my purpose I began to see that this was totally the wrong question. Much better to listen to myself and notice when time speeds up. As I did this I realised that at my core I love to teach. So simple, so obvious. What I do with that, is pretty much up to me.

For 15 years I was a secondary school teacher and there was lots that was good and there was lots that wasn’t. Much as I’d like to elucidate upon the rigours of that vocation this isn’t the place. But one thing that stays with me is the feeling I used to get watching the penny drop. There was nothing like the look on a worried face as the clouds of mis-understanding where drawn aside as the enlightenment came.

Currently I tutor physics and teach theology to anyone who will listen (including the dog). Time seems to go faster when I am talking or writing about God. Words flood out. A dam bursts.

I find I have lots to say, and that I ask a lot of questions. My faith affects every aspect, every nuance of what I am and what I do. The understanding of, and relationship to the Divine that I have now is constantly changing. I want to share something of that ascent.

Maxelcat was a cat who was so fat he slid off the planet he lived on. RIP Douglas Adams