A few possible subjects for the proposed study group.
Creation (and Worship)
Based on WTC module. To include:
- Setting of Genesis accounts in their cultural context
- Close reading of Gen 1,2
- What is the human intended to be?
- Image/likeness
- Links to aNE culture
- How does this alter our understanding of humanity
- Solomon’s template – creation in stone
Moses and Revelation. Climbing the Mountain of God’s Presence
Based on my dissertation, the writings of Gregory of Nyssa and my book (flip – no need to buy/read)
To include:
- Gregory of Nyssa’s approach to Moses as a teaching aid, type of Christ/Adam
- Introduction to Christian mysticism (btw this is a SAFE term)
- The manifestation of God to Moses:
- Unburnt bush – light
- Cloud – partial obscurity
- Entering the cloud on top of Sinai – darkness
- Developing our ascent
Mark’s Gospel
Based on WTC module. A whizz through the whole gospel looking at the big themes
- Writing style
- Who is the ‘Son of Man’ – link to Daniel
- The secrecy motif
- The temple between the fig tree
- What does Mark say about the End Times
The Beatitudes
A look at how some of the early church understood these enigmatic teachings of Jesus
- Surface vs Sublime
- The stupid sayings of Jesus
- The ever upward climb
- The image of God in us
- Walk through each Beatitude